DNS-323 installation i Windows Vista

DNS-323 Installation walkthrough in Vista


Run the CD first.

If the installation program does not start automatically, dubbleclick the "DNS323.exe" file in the root directory of the CD. 

Click the "Easy Search Utility" button. 

If you get a warning about the software, click run.

You might get a warning from the Microsoft Vista Firewall.Please click "Unblock". 

If your DNS-323 does not appear under Network storage devices,you might need to click the "Refresh" button. When you see yourDNS-323 in the list you can click it and the network settings ofthe unit will be displayed in the "LAN" area. You may now changethese settings to something that suits your network. 

When this is done, click the "Apply" button.


It is now time for you to configure the drives according to your own desires.

The manual will guide you through this process. You can accessthe unit by typing in the IP address you have provided into yourweb browser.

After you have configured a partition (volume) on you unit, itis time to mount this volume to your pc. Highlight the volume youhave created and choose a drive letter in the dropdown list to theright. In this case we choose the letter "S:" After this you click"Connect" 

After a short while you will be asked for the username andpassword. Please provide these. If you haven't changed thesesettings you enter "admin" as user name and leave the passwordblank. (Nothing)

 You have now successfully mapped your new network drive to yourcomputer. It can easily be found under "Network location *".


You can now easily copy and retrieve files from the networkdrive.


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